test bank for International Economics 12th Edition by Dominick Salvatore

标题:International Economics, Binder Ready Version 12th Edition by Dominick Salvatore
版本:12th Edition
作者:by Dominick Salvatore
ISBN:978-1118955765 ISBN-10: 1118955765
类型:Test bank /题库
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International Economics by Dominick Salvatore presents a comprehensive, up-to-date, and clear exposition of the theory and principles of international economics. Salvatore presents concepts that are essential for understanding, evaluating, and suggesting solutions to the important international economic problems and issues facing the United States and the rest of the world today and that they are likely to face in the coming years. Neither overly complex nor too simplistic, International Economics helps readers see the immediate relevance of the material and contains an unparalleled number of real-world applications and examples. This text is an unbound, three hole punched version.

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test bank for International Economics 12th Edition by Dominick Salvatore

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test bank for International Economics 12th Edition by Dominick Salvatore

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test bank for International Economics 12th Edition by Dominick Salvatore

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